The Three-School program is a high-quality pre-school program designed specifically for three year-olds. Its purpose is to provide an academic pre-school experience targeting at-risk children who have not been served in any other formal program. The program was modeled after the More at Four Pre-Kindergarten program (now known as NC Pre-K), which has a history of success both locally and state-wide.
Three-School program classrooms are located in a variety of settings and have no more than 16 children each. These classrooms utilize the Creative Curriculum@ and typically follow the same schedule as the local public schools. Lead teachers and teacher assistants meet education standards set by The Partnership for Children of Lenoir and Greene Counties.
The program serves children who are three years old by August 31 of the program year and are at risk for poor school outcomes. Factors that may put children at risk for poor school outcomes could include low income, identified disability, limited English proficiency, chronic health condition and developmental or educational need.