The Partnership provides Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) approved professional development workshop opportunities on a regular basis to help child care providers meet DCDEE requirements. Opportunities include but are not limited to Basic School Age Care (BSAC), Playground Safety and Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep and SIDS Risk Reduction in Child Care (ITS-SIDS). The Partnership also sponsors an Annual Early Childhood Conference where a variety of topics are offered in one educationally packed day.
Click here to view and register for upcoming professional development workshops.
The focus of technical assistance (TA) is to benefit children, families and the overall child care environment with quality early care and education experiences. The Partnership provides quality technical assistance, based on the Partnership for Inclusion (PFI) model of consultation, at no charge to any licensed or unlicensed child care provider in Lenoir or Greene County regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, gender or disability.
For more information or to request technical assistance, contact us at 252-939-1200.
The Resource Center is a resource library that offers a variety of teacher resources including bulletin board paper and die-cut machines. Laminating services are available at a rate of $0.50 per foot.